Emergency Fund Interviews
Cash Transfers
Disrupting Banking
The Emergency Fund
Financial Stress
Leading in a crisis
Money 101 for kids
The Race to Digital
How do you manage finances when you have lost your job?
Complementary Currencies

Series Notes
There’s nothing in our recent history that can compare to the year 2020. We have had shocks in almost every aspect of our lives. The expansion of the 5G network following an intense battle between Chinese tech giants and the US Government, Australian bushfires that ravaged 47 million acres in their path, or Prince Harry and Megan Markle quitting the royal family. There were the deaths of Kobe Bryant, Chadwick Boseman and more recently, Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg; probably the most prolific figures, who shattered ceilings in their respective fields of sports, film, and jurisprudence. The US is in turmoil, in a fight for justice and equality while the leader of the free world is at the centre of the one thing we are sure not to forget: the Corona Virus 2019 pandemic.
Since the first confirmed case in Wuhan in 2019, COVID-19 has gripped the world. Its rapid spread throughout the globe, wreaking havoc everywhere it goes, brought to the forefront the frailty of the human race. In less than a year, the virus has caused over one million deaths and like a game of Whac-A-Mole keeps sprouting up and spreading when you begin to hope it’s over. The world was brought to a standstill with lockdowns and go-slows to counter the spread resulting in a health and economic crisis.
With economies affected by reduced spending, job cuts, and company closures, the tech industry has emerged as a bright light. We have embraced digital solutions to enable work from home, school from home, deliveries at home, banking at home, and medical care from home. Companies and businesses embracing technology have flourished or at least managed to stay afloat while many perished in the wake of the scourge.
This series takes a look at ways to navigate the choppy waters of personal finance amid a global pandemic. Topics range from complementary currencies, emergency funds, financial stress thermometers, leadership in crisis and speaking to children about money. In a world of ambiguity and misinformation, of lamentable bylines like “these trying times”, this series seeks to inform, entertain and empower. We’d love to hear from you, so please leave comments and questions on any of our pages. Happy reading!