International Travel Hacks
Why You Should Try Self-Catering
Group Travel
Staycations in Nairobi
Financing Your Travel
Travel Insurance
The Road Trip

Series Notes
Come fly with me, let’s fly, let’s fly away,
If you could use some exotic booze,
There’s a bar in far Bombay…
Weather-wise it’s such a lovely day,
Just say those words and we’ll beat the birds,
Down to Acapulco Bay
Come Fly With Me - Frank Sinatra
This song always gets me in the mood to seek adventure, put my finger on the map and fly away. Yes, I know the song tells my age. My cousin watches a TikTok video showing the jet set life with Justin Beiber and THE Kid LAROI in the background and she’s ready to pack up her bags and join me.
My point is, travelling is a beloved activity, cutting across generations, tastes and walks of life. For me, it is my first and longest standing love. Growing up, I was fortunate that my Dad was in the travel business and lived for travel. Sandy beaches, lakes, valleys, mountains, deserts, we saw and did it all. Now, all grown up, I have had my share of trips to different parts of the globe and keep a long list of places I want to go. One thing that remains constant, whether travelling as a child or as an adult, is that travel needs planning and money.
This series offers tips on prudent spending and saving for trips. We talk about self-catering and how to get it right for both local and international travel. International travel hacks, staycations, group travel and road trips. We also take a peek into the adventures of a solo female traveler with some tips on safety while travelling alone. For the purely money part, the series looks at options for financing travel and travel insurance.
There’s something for everyone because we believe that we should expose ourselves to new cultures, new foods, new scenery and new experiences either locally or internationally. Travelling for leisure offers fresh perspective, a change of pace and is good for the soul. It reminds you there is more out there than the daily rat race and pushes a reset button that we often need to keep sane.
I can wax poetic about all the benefits of travel but let me sum it up with the words of another travel enthusiast:
“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” – Anthony Bourdain
Enough said I think…. Enjoy and Bon Voyage!